In February, we caught Google testing a new search filter named “Web Results.” Well, last night it went live under the name “Web.” You can now filter search results to only show text links and weed out all the videos, images, and other non-text links. This might take some of you back to the 2007 Google Search results before Universal Search launched.
I personally see the feature, but Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, wrote it is now rolling out. He wrote on X, “We’ve launched a new “Web” filter that shows only text-based links, just like you might filter to show other types of results, such as images or videos. The filter appears on the top of the results page alongside other filters or as part of the “More” option, rolling out today and tomorrow globally.”
Here is what it looks like:
Sometimes it might hide under the “more” button:
Here is what those results look like:
He added: