Hyperlinks are a fundamental part of the Internet; you likely clicked on a few to land on this page. While they’re mostly used to navigate websites and applications, they can also boost your SEO campaigns.
What Is a Hyperlink?
A hyperlink connects one online location to another. You click on hyperlinks to “jump” to different web pages on the Internet or other parts of the same web page.
In HTML code, hyperlinks are usually added to an element that describes the link (anchor text.) You can add hyperlinks to text, images, videos, and more.
When embedded into text, hyperlinks are underlined and appear blue until they’re visited for the first time. Once visited, they appear purple.
Hyperlinks work differently from links. Links are the direct address of a webpage or document. They specify your resource’s location on a server. When you click on a hyperlink, you’re following a link.
Here is a hyperlink to the Semrush tool suite. Our hyperlink follows a link:
The hyperlink’s anchor text is “the Semrush tool suite.”
How to Create a Hyperlink (Different Types)
There are plenty of ways to insert a hyperlink into a webpage. In most CMS or text editing applications, the keyboard shortcut Command/CTRL + K will create a link.