More Spend On PPC Than SEO

This should come as no surprise - but more people and companies spend more on PPC than on SEO. A Twitter poll from Lily Ray shows that but so does every other spending survey done in this industry.There is just more dollars put…

More From Google On AI Content

Since the October Spam update and the helpful content update, many SEOs are saying AI-generated content is being targeted by Google. The answer, as I said previously, is not really. Danny Sullivan from Google said again, it is not…

What Is A Canonical Url? A Guide For SEO

The phrase “canonical tag” often comes up in discussions around SEO, and likely more so when working with cross-functional partners like engineering, analytics, etc. At first glance, it might seem a bit intimidating, especially if you are…

9 Chrome Extensions to Get More Done

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my long career in digital marketing, it’s that productivity and time management do not come naturally to everyone. In fact, I’ve noticed that effective time management actually eludes many people,…

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