Does Google use data around how many times a site is bookmarked in Chrome as a ranking factor?
I have to admit, I hadn’t heard about this one when asked to look into it. And when I went looking to see if Search Engine Journal has ever reported this in our site’s history, I didn’t find a thing.
Still, it seems this question has come up over the years and I still see (lower quality) sites perpetuating the myth today.
You probably know where I’m going with this, so let’s work through it together.
The Claim: Chrome Bookmarks Data as a Ranking Factor
One of the top Google results related to this claim is a site that states:
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“Google keeps the record of the bookmarked pages in its own server and uses it as a boosting factor. Google collects the user browsing data from Google chrome (sic).”
Of course, this won’t be a difficult claim to rank for, since it’s patently untrue. I actually hope this piece outranks that one so no one else wastes their time chasing this particular white rabbit.