He goes on to say, “Having a website hosted on a slow server makes your users unhappy and can make it harder to crawl.”
Because your website’s performance is based on its server, InMotion Hosting created UltraStack for WordPress websites. UltraStack is a custom technology stack that is fine-tuned for speed with advanced caching.
The following components make up the WordPress UltraStack.
NGINX improves the performance of any PHP/HTML/CSS website, including WordPress, by using PHP to cache content. This means no more loading of source code for each new visitor. You can manage caching via the Cache Manager Plugin.
The PHP-FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) is more secure and efficient than SuPHP at improving website performance with pools of memory and processing per user with configurable max request and timeout settings.
Brotli Compression works to improve your website’s time to first byte using faster compression rates and fewer server resources.
In addition to the UltraStack, WordPress VPS is powered by SSDs (20x faster than spinning drives), a dedicated IP address, and a content delivery network to ensure your website outperforms your competitors. This high-performance infrastructure is designed for I/O intensive data workloads, demanding applications, and high-traffic websites.