Websites are always changing. You add and remove content, change domains, restructure, and more. If you want your site to perform well amid all those changes, you need to know how to handle redirects.
One way to do this at the server configuration level is to create redirect rules in an .htaccess file.
What Is an .htaccess File?
On Apache servers, .htaccess files enable you to make configuration changes, even if you don’t have access to the main server configuration files.
.htaccess files operate on an individual directory basis. This can be useful if you need to create a rule that applies only to that specific directory and all of its subdirectories. This can also help you avoid editing your server’s main configuration files.
.htaccess uses the same syntax as the root configuration, meaning any directives you would ordinarily add to the server configuration files can be used here.
However, Apache’s official documentation recommends that you only use .htaccess files when absolutely necessary, because they can sometimes slow down your server’s performance. So if it makes sense for your site, consider using other redirect methods, such as your server’s main configuration file, JavaScript, PHP, or HTML.
There are also available plugins, like Redirection on WordPress, that allow you to redirect pages without needing much knowledge on the topic.
Enabling .htaccess On Your Server
If .htaccess has not already been enabled on your server, you’ll need to enable it. You need to have sudo or root privileges to do this. If you don’t have root privileges, enlist the help of somebody who does.
First, open your website’s httpd configuration file. Then, after the VirtualHost() block, add the following: