How to turn Data into Valuable Content?


Business owners receive a lot of data every day. Customer management, client feedback, and marketing activities often have data associated. This data can be broken down into buyer persona insights and other crucial business information.

In this blog, you will learn:

  • How to easily convert boring numbers into engaging stories
  • Beneficial content assets
  • Strategies to begin your data-driven content marketing campaign.

You will need to research your buyer persona’s demographics, habits, preferences, and needs. This involves collecting different sets of data consistently and thorough analysis.

Research and understand your customer demographics such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Job title.
  • Income
  • Monthly spending pattern.
  • Kind of information they like to consume
  • Their pain points.
  • Their emotional triggers.

All this data gathered will help you build your buyer personas. This will help you gain insights into the following crucial aspects of your target audience-

  • The type of content your audience prefers and engages with
  • Channels that they primarily consume content through.
  • Your target audience’s purchase habits and decision-making process.

This information will form the foundation of your B2B content marketing strategy.

Content Marketing and analytics tools can dig up a lot of valuable information on who your target users are and their pain-points.

How do you use the data collected to create content?

Only accumulating and owning a large amount of data won’t get you anything. You need to use this relevant information to connect with your target audience.

Content strategy and marketing is an art that brands develop to use the data gathered strategically to drive sales from content.

For example, you have a software company. Your research shows that the users are in the range of about 23-45 years and the majority are from the media industry. Using this data, you can run a pillar content marketing strategy campaign by creating content that speaks to this group in their language. Talk about their pain points and how your product would benefit them.

It is also crucial to identify the online platform that this target audience spends most of their time on. This sort of data analysis and subsequent content strategy and marketing will delight and engage your prospective customers.

The relevancy and personalization that you bring into your engagement will boost your selling strategy.

You can use this data to create better content for your customers and your prospective customers throughout their customer journey.

Having got hold of crucial and relevant data, you can create customized content for all customer stages.

You must have noticed that not all prospective customers buy on the first go.

You could be selling a service or product that could benefit many people or companies out there. You must have seen many people who visit your site and request demos, but finally, they drop out, which means that they don’t convert. You must understand that it is not because they are not interested in what you are offering. It could be that they are not ready to make the final decision and need a little encouragement from you.

Your target audience goes through several stages in their buyer journey before they make that final decision. Successful brands keep track of the journey and gently encourage them through the journey using data-driven content strategy and marketing.

Relate to the Target Audience

Reading and understanding data is boring.

We need to convert our data to be relatable to our readers.

Organize your data by how people identify themselves. People always identify themselves through cultural, economic, and geographical characteristics.

Create content based on this audience segmentation, and you have a winning content campaign.

Content Promotion

You have spent hours gathering data, and then, based on audience segmentation, you have now curated unique personalized content. You might be surprised to know that many people, groups, and communities out there are waiting to grab such content.

Track Your Content Performance

The job of content marketers and business owners is not complete yet. You will need to regularly track and measure your content performance to ensure your content strategy and marketing works effectively.

After being in the industry for some time, you might have seen that market trends and consumer choices keep evolving.

Hence you need to keep track of the following:

  • Regularly monitor user behaviour to track the time spent when consuming the content, the bounce rate, and the number of new and repeat visitors to your site.
  • Track the level of audience engagement. If you notice (decrease) usually means you need to revise your strategy.
  • Use analytics tools to calculate the ROI and CPA (cost per acquisition). If you are getting a positive ROI, your content marketing strategy is doing good, else tweak it a bit following the steps provided above.


A data-driven content marketing campaign consists of the following crucial steps:

  • Employing regular data analytics.
  • Understanding your target audience.
  • Crafting personalized and engaging content.
  • Promoting your content with relevant communities.
  • Tracking, measuring, and tweaking your content performance regularly.

It seems like a lot of work. However, at the end of it, it is worth the effort as your conversions will increase steadily and organically.

Content marketing, like other marketing disciplines, needs continuous monitoring. It is not a one-time process but will deliver exceptional results if followed consistently.

Once you can relate the data to your audience, weave a story in your numbers, framing your brand promise in the story.

The steps above will help you convert boring unrelatable numbers into an exciting and precious content campaign.

To sum up the content marketing process, first, build a good database. Now, based on buyer personas, come up with exciting content that speaks to different audience segments.

Gathering the data and building a good database for your brand takes time. Even if you do not have a big budget, you can use simple Excel sheets to gather, track, and analyze it.


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